Important Note This page underwent complete overhaul on 16 June 2014 and was provided by the fine folks at Cultural However, those seeking more information, or to add important data not in this page, which is only updated sporadically, should see the primary Research page of the AVfM Reference Wiki. If you spot errors on this page please let us know but be aware that the Wiki is more frequently and readily updated, and we are always looking for volunteers to help improve it. –DE
The Facts about Male Discrimination
Precious little discussion happens around issues that affect men, this is especially true in “gender” (aka women’s) studies courses in college. For the few men who already know about these issues, this will be an excellent page to link to in order to debunk the idea that men have it so good compared to women. And for those, who are open-minded (no feminists, that is not you), but don’t know the issues then this list will hopefully be a wake up call for you to, in the words of Men’s Rights advocates, “take the red pill.”
Rape Laws and Policies
- The April 4th “Dear Colleague” letter issued by the OCR to all colleges that receive federal funding, reduces the standard of proof required to convict a male student of rape all the way down to “preponderance of evidence” (anything above 50%) and “strongly discourages” male students being given the right to question their accuser. The directive also requires all universities to allow alleged victims of rape to appeal the results of college disciplinary hearings, subjecting the accused to “double jeopardy” (which isn’t allowed in US courts).
Click to see victims of this policy
- U.S. Military, Washington State and the District of Columbia put the burden on the accused to show consent.
- Federal Rule of Evidence 413 allows rape defendants’ prior sexual assault misconduct to be admitted as evidence in federal rape trials. This infringes on defendants’ constitutional equal protection and due process rights. Rule 413 departs from long-standing legal tradition prohibiting admissions of a defendants’ uncharged misconduct evidence to prove criminal propensities. This makes it so men who are accused of rape, are afforded less protections than any other crime.
- Military charges more men with bogus rape claims to show that it takes sexual assault seriously.
- Rape Shield Law – prevents the alleged victim of a sexual assault from having her past sexual behavior an issue in court. Cathy Young, writing for reason magazine, highlights the problems of such a law.
– In 1998, Jovanovic was convicted of attacking Barnard College student Jamie Rzucek (whose name has been disclosed by some media outlets after the case was dismissed) and was sentenced to a minimum of 15 years in prison. Rzucek claimed that Jovanovic held her captive in his apartment for 20 hours and subjected her to torture and sexual abuse. The defense argued that there was no torture — Rzucek’s claim that Jovanovic forcibly sodomized her was disputed by medical evidence, and the jury returned a not-guilty verdict on the counts pertaining to this act — and that the bondage was consensual.
This argument was crippled by Judge William Wetzel’s decision to exclude portions of the e-mail correspondence between Jovanovic and Rzucek in which she discussed her adventures in sadomasochism, including her sadomasochistic relationship with another man. The messages, the judge held, were inadmissible under New York State’s rape shield law because they had to do with the accuser’s sexual conduct.
In late 1999, the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, by a 3-to-1 vote, set aside the conviction on the grounds that Judge Wetzel had applied the rape shield law improperly and left the jury with a “distorted view of the evidence.” The case was sent down for retrial, but Rzucek proved reluctant to testify a second time, and prosecutors eventually sought a dismissal “in the interests of justice.” Jovanovic’s vindication came at a high price: as much as $500,000 in legal fees, not to mention 20 months spent in state penitentiaries.
– In Wisconsin in 1993, 18-year-old Charles Steadman was convicted of raping his 22-year-old foster sister Jessica in a he said/she said case in which physical evidence of force was absent and the defendant claimed that the sex was consensual. What the jury didn’t know was that when Jessica filed the complaint, she herself was facing criminal charges of having sex with minors. (She eventually received probation with mandatory psychiatric treatment.) Clearly, this gave her a reason to lie — particularly since she had had sexual relations with Steadman when he was underage. She might have thought that being a victim would improve her legal situation as a defendant, or she might have worried that if her encounter with Steadman became known, she would get in more trouble with the law. None of these possible motives could be introduced at Steadman’s trial, since Jessica’s legal problems were related to her past sexual activities and hence inadmissible.
False Rape:
- The infamous Eugene Kanin study found a 41% false rape figure in a small metropolitan community. A follow up study, found 50% of rape allegations in college to be false. Among the false charges, 53% of the women admitted they filed the false claim as an alibi.
- US Air force study confirms 60% of rapes to be false, a full 27% of the allegations were confirmed to be false because the woman admitted to making them up.
The above link comes from a Forensic website, not a biased feminist one, and concludes the following:
Empirical evidence does not support the widespread belief that women are extremely unlikely to make false accusations of male sexual misconduct. Rather the research on accusations of rape, sexual harassment, incest, and child sexual abuse indicates that false accusations have become a serious problem. The motivations involved in making a false report are widely varied and include confusion, outside influence from therapists and others, habitual lying, advantages in custody disputes, financial gain, and the political ideology of radical feminism.
From report:
The McDowell recruited independent reviewers who were given 25 criteria derived from the profiles of the women who openly admitted making a false allegation. If all three reviewers agreed that the rape allegation was false, it was then listed by that description. The result: 60% of the accusations were identified as false. McDowell also took his study outside the military by examining police files from a major Midwestern and a southwestern city. He found that the finding of 60% held
- Also here is a Q and A with Mcdowell:
In an interview in the June 1985 issue of Chicago Lawyer, McDowell told Rob Warden, the editor. Q: How was the model developed? A: It is based on a study of 1,218 cases that were initially investigated as rapes. Of those, 460 were proven rapes, 212 were disproved allegations, and 546 cases remain unresolved.
Q: What were your criteria for classifying a rape accusation as disproved? A: There was just one criterion. In each case, the victim ultimately admitted that the allegation was a hoax.
Q: All 212 of those cases are now admitted to have been false allegations? A: Yes. That’s the reason that we have a leftover category of 546 cases. My personal opinion, based on the evidence, is that many of those also are false allegations. But they are not admitted hoaxes, and we have not classified them as disproved. We have been extremely conservative in classifying an allegation as false for purposes of the study.
Q: What were your criteria for classifying an allegation as proved? Are these all convictions? A: They’re not all convictions. Some are, but the remainder is cases in which the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence supports the allegation so strongly that there really is no other logical conclusion.
Q: Then your standard for classifying an allegation is false? A: Definitely. If there was a margin for error, if there was any area in which we gave the benefit of any doubt, it was in favor of a rape.”
- Colorado’s Craig Silverman – a rape prosecutor – said the following about false reports:
“During my time as a prosecutor who made case filing decisions, I was amazed to see all the false rape allegations that were made to the Denver Police Department. It was remarkable and surprising to me. You would have to see it to believe it. Any honest veteran sex assault investigator will tell you that rape is one of the most falsely reported crimes that there is. A command officer in the Denver police sex assaults unit recently told me he placed the false rape numbers at approximately 45 percent.”
- “Every year since 1989, in about 25 percent of the sexual assault cases referred to the FBI where results could be obtained, the primary suspect has been excluded by forensic DNA testing. Specifically, FBI officials report that out of roughly 10,000 sexual assault cases since 1989, about 2,000 tests have been inconclusive, about 2,000 tests have excluded the primary suspect, and about 6,000 have “matched” or included the primary suspect.”
The authors continued, “These percentages have remained constant for 7 years, and the National Institute of Justice’s informal survey of private laboratories reveals a strikingly similar 26 percent exclusion rate.”
“If the foregoing results can be extrapolated, then the rate of false reports is roughly between 20 (if DNA excludes an accused) to 40 percent (if inconclusive DNA is added). The relatively low estimate of 25 to 26 percent is probably accurate, especially since it is supported by other sources.”,2933,194032,00.html
- In addition the SAVE survey reveals false accusations (of all kinds) to be a real problem.
“A full 11% of respondents reported that they themselves had been falsely accused of some type of intimate partner or child abuse, and that they had been to some extent or another sanctioned for behavior that they never engaged in.”
Over eight of ten (81%) who said that they knew someone falsely accused answered that the falsely accused party was male. Nearly seven in ten (69.9%) of those falsely accusing were female. These results indicate very strongly that false accusations and their aftermath loom very large in the landscape of men’s lives. And while there are falsely accused females out there, the issue is one that can be fairly identified as generally an act of aggression against men
Here are the results:
- Have you ever heard of anyone falsely accused of abuse? Yes – 51.6% No – 48.4%
Has anyone you know ever been falsely accused of abuse? Yes – 15.5% No – 84.5%
Was this person falsely accused of child abuse?* Yes – 74.0% No – 26.0%
Was this person falsely accused of domestic violence?* Yes – 28.9% No – 71.1%
Was this person falsely accused of sexual abuse?* Yes – 48.5% No – 51.5%
Was this person falsely accused in the last year? Yes – 17.7% N0 – 82.3%
Was the falsely accused person a male? Yes – 81.0% No – 19.0%
Was the accuser a female? Yes – 69.9% No – 30.1%
Was the accusation made as part of a child custody dispute? Yes – 25.8% No – 74.2%
Have you been falsely accused? Yes – 11.0% No – 89.0%
The Innocence project reveals false accusations of rape to be the most common form of false imprisonment.
Rape allegations, that are proven to be false, account for 17% of all allegations in the military. Note that the majority of rape cases fall into a “grey” area, where the could be true or false, so the 17% number is likely higher.
Click to see some examples of what false rape allegations can do
Boy Crisis
Boys are twice as likely to be diagnosed with “ADHD” as girls.
Boys represent 70% of the D and F students.
11th-grade boys now write at the same level as 8th-grade girls.
Boys commit suicide at 4 times the rate girls do.
Today, women outnumber men on 57% of campuses and enjoy a 3:2 ratio overall. By 2020, men’s enrollment is projected as low as 41.4%, down from 57.7% in 1970.
Boys are five times more likely to end up in Juvenile detention.
Boys are far more likely to be victims of a violent crime.
Despite these statistics, it is girls who still receive all of the gender specific goodies. Female only scholarships, White House Council for Women and Girls, Title IX grant program for women in STEM, and the Women’s Educational Equity Act are the known Federal level programs for women and girls in school.
Sentencing Disparity
- Average sentences for same crime under similar circumstances (robbed someone with a gun, knife, etc):
Female – 18.51 months
Male – 51.52 months
In Britain, Judges are now ordered to “show more mercy” on female criminals when deciding what sentence they should be given.
- Unfair sentencing doesn’t just pertain to men, but for boys as well.
“Judge bashes Probation Department for gender bias in favor of leniency for girls”
- In North Carolina (and probably other states), it turns out that assaulting a female is a class A1 misdemeanor only if the attacker is “a male person at least 18 years of age”; every other type of assault when it comes to gender, is generally a class 2 misdemeanor. This can translate into a substantial difference in sentencing.
Click to see examples of Female Sentencing Discount
Death Penalty almost exclusively targets men
Actual execution of female offenders is rare, with only 571 documented instances as of 12/31/2011, beginning with the first in 1632. These executions constitute about 2.9% of the total of confirmed executions in the US since 1608. Only twelve female offenders have been executed since 1976.
Women make up only 2.9% of those executed since 1976, but they commit 10% of all murder in the US.
Domestic violence
SUMMARY: This bibliography examines 286 scholarly investigations: 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600.
In addition; “the most comprehensive review of the scholarly domestic violence research literature ever conducted concludes, among other things, that women perpetrate physical and emotional abuse, and engage in control behaviors, at comparable rates to men.”
Domestic Violence Hotlines/Shelters (tax dollar funded), refuse to help or accept male victims of DV.
What happens when men call Domestic Violence shelters for help:
Of the abused men who called domestic violence hotlines, 64% were told that they “only helped women.” In 32% of the cases, the abused men were referred to batterers’ programs. Another 25% were given a phone number to call that turned out to be a batterers’ program. A little over a quarter of them were given a reference to a local program that helped.
Overall, only 8% of the men who called hotlines classified them as “very helpful,” whereas 69% found them to be “not at all helpful.”
Sixteen percent said the people at the hot line “dismissed or made fun of them.” One abused man said:
They laughed at me and told me I must have done something to deserve it if it happened at all.
Another said:
They asked how much I weighed and how much she weighed and then hung up on me…I was told by this agency that I was full of BS.
Twelve percent of the hotlines accused the man of being the batterer or responsible for the abuse. One abused man said:
They told me women don’t commit domestic violence — it must have been my fault.
Another said:
They accused me of trying to hide my “abuse” of her by claiming to be a victim, and they said that I was nothing more than a wimp.
Of the men who sought help by contacting local domestic violence programs, only 10% found them to be “very helpful,” whereas 65% found them to be “not at all helpful.” One abused man said:
They just laughed and hung up the phone.
Another said:
They didn’t really listen to what I said. They assumed that all abusers are men and said that I must accept that I was the abuser. They ridiculed me for not leaving my wife, ignoring the issues about what I would need to do to protect my six children and care for them.
Mandatory arrest policy
Thanks to the Violence Against Women Act, states are encouraged to enact “mandatory arrest” policies when it comes to domestic violence. This means that when someone calls the police alleging partner abuse, an arrest has to be made, even if the allegation looks to be false. Mandatory arrest policies completely ignore a Constitutional right known as “Probable Cause.”
Arrest the male
Thanks to “predominant aggressor” (aka arrest the male no matter what) policies, men who call the police on their violent wife are often the ones arrested, or threatened by police with arrest.
- According to a study by George and Yarwood (2004), police have threatened 47% of male victims of intimate partner violence with arrest. George and Yarwood also found that the police ignored 35% of male victims and 21% were actually arrested instead of the female perpetrators
- Another Study by Linda Kelly found that when abused men call the police to report domestic violence committed against them they are three times more likely to be arrested than the wife that is abusing them.
A good example of this is the case of Pro Fooballer Warren Moon. Moon was arrested after he tried to restrain his wife from assaulting him after she threw a candlestick at this head and kneed him in the groin. Police came, arrested moon and he was charged with domestic violence but only acquitted after his wife confessed that she was the violent one. Women’s groups were not happy and wanted Moon to be charged.
Child Custody
Women receive custody of the children in about 84% of custody cases
Paternity Fraud
Paternity fraud is rampant in the US. In as many as 30% of cases, fathers are being forced to pay child support for children who are not theirs.
Click for examples of men being forced to pay CS for non-biological children
Boys Forced to Pay Child Support to their Rapist
In at least 3 states (California, Kansas and Tennessee), courts force boys to pay child support to their statutory rapists. In at least two other states, state officials attempt to get boy statutory rape victims to pay child support to their rapists.
Click to see examples of boys being forced to pay CS to their rapists
False Restraining Orders
Restraining orders are usually as simple to get as filling out a form correctly.
In 2005, Santa Fe District Judge Daniel Sanchez issued a temporary restraining order against David Letterman because, in her words:
Colleen Nestler alleged in her request for the order filed Dec. 15 that the Late Show host had forced her to go bankrupt and caused her “mental cruelty” and “sleep deprivation” since first sending her secret messages in May 1994. Nestler asked the court to require Letterman to keep a distance of at least three yards and to “release me from his mental harassment and hammering.”
She received this restraining order based on no proof of her ridiculous allegations.,,1144343,00.html
Temporary restraining orders are issued by judges without the respondent having legal representation, being allowed to present opposing evidence, or even being aware of the allegation. Thanks to state laws that have been lobbied to redefine “domestic violence” broadly, restraining orders are extremely easy to obtain.
Judges also rarely require proof of abuse, and the statutes invoke a “preponderance of evidence” standard (the same standard forced onto colleges in rape cases). In most states a temporary restraining order is followed by a full hearing 10-14 days later; at that time, a final determination is reached.
In practice restraining orders trample on Civil Rights of the defendants.
- The accuser may have had weeks to prepare for the case, and is probably receiving free legal help. In contrast, the respondent has only a few days to find a lawyer and develop a legal strategy.
- The respondent has limited access to evidence in the home that he may need to prove his innocence.
- If the respondent has no money for legal defense then they may be forced to undertake more difficult pro se defense.
One attorney noted that “the mere allegation of domestic violence…may shift the burden of proof on the defendant.”
Take this court transcript from a hearing in which the respondent’s attorney requested the temporary restraining order to be removed:
Attorney to his respondent-client: “Can you please state your name and your address for the record?”
Judge: “I don’t believe I need to hear any evidence from your client. I’m going to deny your request to vacate the restraining order.”
Concerns about the misuse and unconstitutionality of Restraining Orders have been voiced in legal circles for years.
- Elaine Epstein, former Massachusetts Bar Association, admitted “Everyone knows that restraining orders and orders to vacate are granted to virtually all who apply…In many cases, allegations of abuse are now used for tactical advantage.”
- In Connecticut, attorney, Arnold Rutkin said that many judges view TOs as a “rubber-stamping exercise” and that subsequent hearings “are usually a sham.”
- In Missouri, a survey of attorneys and judges found many complaints of disregard for due process and noted that allegations of domestic violence were widely used as a “litigation strategy.”
- In Illinois, an article in the state legal journal described legal allegations of abuse as “part of the gamesmanship of divorce.”
- In California, the State Bar admits it is concerned that protective orders are “almost routinely issued by the court in family law proceedings even when there is relatively meager evidence and usually without notice to the restrained person…it is troubling that they appear to be sought more and more frequently for retaliation and litigation purposes.”
In Washington State a TO reads:
“IT IS THEREFORE OREDERED THAT…The respondent is directed to appear and show cause why this temporary order should not be made effective for one year or more and why the court should not order the relief requested by the petitioner or other relief which may include electronic monitoring, payment of costs, and treatment.
Temporary restraining orders have been called “the gamesmanship of divorce.” One account to how damaging a false TO can be: “In ten days, the hypothetical husband has gone from having a normal life with a wife, children and home to being a social pariah, homeless, poor, and alone, trapped in a Kafkaesque nightmare.”
The following is a case account by a grandmother of the victim of a false TO of how a woman can abuse the system in her favor to get the father out of THEIR children’s lives.
In November 2002 Mrs. Soucie’s daughter-in-law decided to leave the family home, and opted to take along her nine-month-old grandson for good measure. “With the slow process of the court system, my grandson was concealed for 3 months. We missed his first Thanksgiving, first Christmas, first New Years, and his first birthday,” Mrs. Soucie sadly writes.
Finally the father, who works in law enforcement, was granted formal visitation rights. That’s when the nightmare began.
Somehow the mother got irate because dad and grandma wanted to see junior from time to time. And someone told her that under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act, causing a woman to feel even “emotional distress” is considered a form of abuse.
“In October 2003, my son and myself were placed under an Order of Protection. We did nothing to break the law, we did not harass, stalk, intimidate, or try to annoy. Our only purpose was to pick up the child and deliver him back at the appointed time.”
Apparently the mother told the judge she found dad and grandma picking up the child to be “distressing.”
The mother has learned the system and uses it to her advantage,” laments the disillusioned grandmother.
Box 1 – indicates there was no allegation of physical abuse. Instead, the wife accused her husband of “harassment” and “interference with personal liberty.”
Box 5 – on the basis of those allegations, the female shall receive custody of the children.
Box 7 – Orders that the children be removed from their father and allowed to see him only every other weekend until 6pm on Sunday.

50% – the number of restraining orders that are given without so much as an allegation of physical abuse
70% – the estimated number of restraining orders that are false based on several studies by state.
Of 302 men who experienced domestic violence by their wives, 38.7% reported that she filed a restraining order against him under false pretenses.
Click to see examples of False Restraining Orders
Title IX crushing Men’s sports programs
Title IX, once a gender equality law, has now morphed into a gender quota law that demands ‘proportionality’ when it comes to sports programs in college. Technically Title IX has three prongs of compliance, but the “safe harbor” prong has always been proportionality and it guarantees colleges will not be gone after by the OCR or the many whiny women’s groups. Because of these facts, the US commission on civil rights finally decided to weigh in and recommend Title IX be reformed to stem what it called the “unnecessary reduction of men’s athletic opportunities.”
Click to see Title IX ruining Men’s sports
Scholarship Discrimination
In sports where the gender compete, girls are awarded far more scholarships than boys are: 20,206 vs 32,656. Because of this, in every ‘gender symmetric’ sport (the one exception being gymnastics), boys face much more difficult odds of being able to earn a scholarship than girls do.
Hate Crime Discrimination
The DOJ will only investigate bullying cases if the victim is considered protected under the 1964 Civil Rights legislation. In other words, white males are the only group to be excluded from having their case investigated by the DOJ.
War Dead – 99.9% male deaths
Workplace Deaths
92% of workplace deaths are male.
Men are almost 80% of suicide victims.
Men are overwhelmingly more likely to be victims of homicide
Male Rape
“In 2011-12, an estimated 4.0% of state and federal prison inmates and 3.2% of jail inmates reported experiencing one or more incidents of sexual victimization by another inmate or facility staff in the past 12 months or since admission to the facility, if less than 12 months.”
62% of the homeless in the US are male.
Men have zero reproductive rights
Girls are protected under law from circumcision, boys are not (his body, not his choice).
Selective service is required only of men, and participation is tied directly to voting rights. Women have no such demand, associated with voting rights or otherwise.
I visited this web site “A Voice For Men”. I read “About” to understand who Paul Elam is and where he’s coming from. I watched his video “The Myth of Women’s Oppression”. I read the article on jury duty in a rape trial. I learned what the term mangina means. This man has put in a lot of time and effort to describe his views, to support them and to disseminate them. Paul is an intelligent man and a good writer.
However, it is obvious to me that Paul is a troubled man and he is having a difficult time in this modern age. In the same way some people blame the Jews for the ills of the world, Paul seems to be blaming women for the ills of men.
I don’t need to debate Paul. I won’t try to convince him otherwise. I will only conclude with this picture which is worth more than a thousand words:,16641,1101100809,00.html
Woman-hater, there’s an unexpected insult (sarcasm).
That’s a horrible picture William, but why are the lives of foreign women more important than the lives of American men. Why should American men risk their lives in war to save the foreign women? If I refuse to give up my life to save a woman, does that make me a woman hater?
This is a typical diversion tactic to get people away from the topic at hand. Your attempt may work on the few who will click your little link to see what you’re talking about and then will probably forget the original article that they were going to talk about.
The problem with this is that you’re a cog in the enemy machine. Do you think you’re helping yourself or your fellow sex by working as a cog in the enemy machine? The fact of the matter is that it’s up to men to lead the way; just by the nature of how we think and how we’ve traditionally acted in history. (Unless, of course, you will become a female apologist and imply that women have had centuries of cruel treatment? Joan of Arc was really a man? Oh, I know, Ganghis Khan, Sun Tzu, Napoleon, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Rachmaninoff, they were all female. You’re right.)
It was perfectly correct for a Soviet Union poster to be in this article. It’s not a secret that Communism set out to destroy the very fundamentals of tradition life. (We have to understand that the Marxist/Communist logic stems heavily from a religious viewpoint of a certain logic that is detrimental to most people as it’s a heavy act of subterfuge against us all. I will refrain from naming them so openly as this will result in another *ism to be uttered by the fantastically brainwashed.) This meant the destruction of the nuclear family, the destruction of traditional sex roles, the destruction of religion and the destruction of finance and employment. I also say “sex” because saying “gender” would mean that I somehow have a choice as to which sex I identify with. My sex is male and it will always remain so.
Furthermore, the sufferings of women in other cultures that are essentially alien to ours is not our concern. The cultures of other nations and people’s have different standards and different ways of life. Why care? I certainly don’t. I’m concerned with my culture, my heritage, and how my traditional point of view is attacked daily while I watch the men and women of my age become drones to a system that only benefits a small-numbered few.
Besides, it’s okay when it’s our soldiers who are doing a large part of the maiming and killing in a country that never even so much as threw a rock at us, right?
I’m concerned only with the woman who are in my country. As all of you know, Russian woman are highly sought after for their very womanly way of thinking – but let me tell you something – the Communist indoctrination of the “liberation of women” is in full swing here and you’re just in the beginning of what’s already been an epidemic here for decades. For instance, it’s common here for the man to be unreliable, drunk on vodka very often while the woman is the breadwinner of the home. Is that not a full reversal of the sex roles or what? Not without consequence as the male genes have suffered huge setbacks in the recent years from the two World Lies (World War I and II) where we were conscripted to fight for an ideology that wasn’t our own.
The point of the matter is that men are, and have statistically always been with little exception, the great leaders and providers for our women who we have largely always felt to be the most pure and Angelic forms of human life. We are so enamored with them that we have gifted and dedicated many buildings, structures, movies, art, literature and music in their memory and name.
How’s that for woman-hating?
I am French, I discovered your articles on the Spearhead. I appreciate your work.
FWIW I think you’re somewhat wrong about the connection between Marxism and feminism. Feminism has generally been a middle class liberal movement and has been criticised as such by some Marxist women. Alexandra Kollontai made the argument that feminists fighting against existing (early 20th century) marriage would lead to the end of private property of the middle class. However she was generally critical of feminism, and as far as I can tell, saw this as an unintended consequence of women who she generally saw as members of a self-interested oppressive class (“For what reason, then, should the woman worker seek a union with the bourgeois feminists? Who, in actual fact, would stand to gain in the event of such an alliance? Certainly not the woman worker.”) This isn’t to ignore Marxist feminists entirely. They exist. However I don’t think that they were ones getting laws passed.
Excellent Points. Men and Women are different, and that’s wonderful! Let’s enjoy and celebrate our differences, just as societies have done for countless generations.
This new experiment in feminism that also emasculates and denigrates men is already causing tremendous damage to society.
We need more voices like yours who celebrate and respect men, and fight for their rights.
Marxist Consumerism is exactly what it is. This subversive system is nothing but a sham used to dumb down the masses under the guise of “Liberty and Justice For All”. Crap like this is what makes me sick to my stomach, and to know that that the dumbed down sheep of the Western World give in this crap makes me want to puke my guts out. These “liberated feministas who cry oppression” are nothing but pawns used to engineer their slavery and eventually their own destruction. A real women knows that she doesn’t need feminism to validate who she is as a female, and in reality is more liberated just by knowing whats going in the world around her and what feminism is really about. The collective subjugation of men as a whole through deception, and the brainwashing of females into believing something that isn’t true especially in the western world. This misandric cancer has to be stopped, and I too believe it by real men like us having to go our own ways and freeing ourselves from commitment with women or vulnerability to them, which is necessary for our survival and freedom as men. And I am more than happy to have women join the program and learn the truth, so that we as a a collective people can continue to fight for freedom. Maybe this also help heal the rift and improve relationships between men and women. And one thing I do know is that America and many other western nations will fall under their own weight, the way Rome fell thousands of years ago under political corruption and tyranny. Also the future of the next generations after ours will hopefully be those of freedoms and opportunities and the responsibilities that come with them.
@ William. The fact that you post such a picture and expect a certain reaction is exactly the problem. Go ahead and post pictures of males with missing hands because they were caught steeling bread to feed their families, post pictures of thousands of dead male soldiers, post pictures of men in prison for crimes never committed, post pictures of a male who hanged himself because of the mental torture of having society tear his children away from him just because the relationship between husband a wife is no more. I know why you don’t post those pictures – because there is no reaction from anyone to be had – such images have become ineffective on just about anyone. This is one facet of the problem William. I am a male and I am not fucking disposable. My son is a male, and he is not fucking disposable. You are right in saying that some people are having trouble adjusting to the “modern age” – fucking right, and I am one of them.
@ Steve
Well said.
If only we could enlighten the people of the illegitimacy and unconstitutionality of VAWA, then its fall will be inevitable!!!
The VAWA immigration loop-hole:
The formula is simple: Pretend you’re in love with someone, get them to marry you, then, a few months later start making unsupported accusations of abuse. The accusations will stick, even if completely unsupported by facts. In no time they’re on the path to permanent residency and with plenty of help from US taxpayers. As you can see from the many stories in this forum, the innocent US spouse often pays a heavy price in terms of psychological distress, legal bills, damage to reputation, and in many cases even a criminal record.
Why is what these women do so wrong, appalling and nauseating? When I say “these women” I mean each and every woman who is involved in these organizations, in formulating and supporting VAWA, in instructing women on how to make these false accusations and on how to manipulate and abuse an innocent American citizen, the police, the courts, the American support system and the American immigration system, and of course the women who deliberately plan on prostituting themselves and deceiving an American citizen in order to deceitfully make him sign the marriage so that they can falsely accuse him and file a VAWA self-petition.
There is a distinct difference between wrong and right, and just because something is not punishable by law (the false accusations of domestic violence with the intention of fabricating evidence for a VAWA self-petition and abuse the American support system) does not make it right. Specifically, making false accusations of domestic violence in order to fabricate evidence for a VAWA self-petition is one of the most despicable acts a human being can do.
…So to clarify:
To want to help an immigrant woman who is in difficulties is right
To offer an immigrant woman my house when she has no other place to stay is right
To help an immigrant woman with food, transport, money, medical issues, surgeries… is right
To agree to marry an immigrant woman after living together with her for 3 whole years is right
To plan on doing whatever it takes, including lying, deceiving and prostituting herself in order to get an American citizen to sign a marriage is wrong
To act, pretend to love him, to lie and say that she wants to be his wife, to abuse his time and manipulate his emotions is wrong
To instigate violence, to provoke, to destroy his home and reputation is wrong
To lie to the police, to make false police reports, to try to get the innocent American citizen arrested in an attempt to fabricate evidence for a VAWA self-petition is wrong
To contact a VAWA shelter and to lie in order for the VAWA shelter to help her fabricate more evidence for the VAWA self-petition it wrong
To lie on a petition for a Temporary Protective Order and to sign a false TPO petition is wrong.
To lie to the TPO office at the court-house in order for them to help her get the TPO is wrong
To go in front of the judge, to swear to say the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and then to commit perjury and falsely accuse the very same person who helped her out of love and compassion is wrong
To commit perjury in the TPO hearing when her “husband” is present is wrong.
To abuse the American support system by pretending to be a domestic violence victim is wrong
To break in to and burglarize the house of the very same person who helped her out of love and compassion is wrong
To formulate a law that creates an incentive for immigrant women to prostitute themselves, to lie, deceive and do whatever it takes so that an American citizen would agree to marry them is wrong
To formulate a law that creates an incentive for women to falsely accuse their “husbands” is wrong
To instruct women on how to falsely accuse their “husbands” is wrong
To help and instruct women on how to fabricate evidence for a VAWA self-petition is wrong
To instruct women on how to abuse the American support system is wrong
… I can go on and on…
I don’t think I could have been any clearer with the lists above.
Have you noticed how long the “wrongs” list is?
Martha, the Mexican immigrant women that I was helping out of my good heart and naivety – did all that.
If only we could enlighten the people of the illegitimacy and unconstitutionality of VAWA, then its fall will be inevitable!!!
– Al
There are a number of factors that these psychopathic immigrants use to carry out their diabolic plan:
1. Men have a natural tendency to care for and help women (in distress) and some women have that tendency towards men (co-dependency). The immigrant poses (acts) as a victim and manipulate the American citizen to help her.
2. Most men (and women) have a firm belief – it is in their self-concept, belief system or internal map of the world – that when a woman (man) offers “love” is must be true love. Offering love for interest (in this case – immigration) is not a part of their internal dictionary. In the past when a woman (man) loved them, they expressed their love in words and actions, and if they didn’t love them, they either walked away or stayed as friends. Nobody ever pretended to love them!
3. Because if the above – men (and women) will devote and commit themselves to helping the immigrant and the idea that the immigrant may one day turn on them and falsely accuse them (and thus betray them) or simply leave after getting what they want – the Green-Card – is inconceivable. A “human-being” that expresses so much love and acts as the perfect wife (or husband) would never do that, right?… wrong!
4. The Radical Misandristic Feminist movement, which are thriving on very, very sick doctrines that are both anti-social and anti-family. According to their doctrines all men are naturally violent and abusive and all women are victims of men. Men “deserve” to be (falsely) accused of violence (and abuse) and women deserve to be helped based merely on their claim of abuse. Thus: Men are always perpetrators (even when the woman is) and women are always victims. Women have the right to falsely accuse men and men don’t have the right to defend themselves and there are no repercussion to false accusations made by a woman.
5. The Radical Misandristic Feminist movement was successful in passing a very sick law (VAWA) where the definition of abuse essentially makes every expression or action a man takes toward the woman “abuse” or “domestic violence”. At this point it doesn’t matter what the real circumstance are: A woman claims abuse – she is right. A woman goes to a VAWA shelter – she is right and she must be accepted. An immigrant woman wants immigration based on claims of abuse – she is right. The truth does not matter anymore.
6. The above creates the possibility for any woman to be highly abusive towards men and to use and exploit men (for money, housing, medical care, schools for her children… and immigrations) and when the man realizes he is being used and wants to terminate the “relationship” (which is technically not even a relationship but an abusive interaction) she can simply claim abuse and gain from her false accusations while the man – who has already been abused – must suffer even more from ruined reputation, legal fees, a difficult divorce and in some cases arrests, jail time, criminal record and loss of employment.
Immigration laws were changed in the past to include a temporary Green-Card and a second interview two years down the line. Unfortunately VAWA creates the immigration loop-hole described above which makes these changes futile.
I expect immigration laws to be changed again and that immigration marriage fraud will become even more difficult. The time for the second interview may be lengthened beyond the term of two years which would make it a lot less attractive for immigrants to enter into sham marriages.
In addition, the immigration loop-hole created by VAWA must be closed!
Left is the ubiquitous destruction of our society that VAWA and the Radical Misandristic Feminist movement impose on all of us. Today an American Citizen cannot marry or enter a relationship with a woman without considering that in the future his live can be destroyed by false accusations of violence, abuse or rape.
The basis for creating a family is thus being destroyed by the Radical Misandristic Feminist movement and their doctrines.
As the family is the basis of society – our society is being destroyed!
In my case for example the judge dismissed her false accusations after a few seconds. The judge didn’t bother with the witnesses (and I had a witness who would have proven that she was lying) because it was so obvious that she was lying.
Nevertheless, the VAWA shelter knows what to do: They fabricate police reports by calling 911 and saying that the American citizen is following the immigrant woman around (stalking), that he is trying to hurt her and that she is afraid of him.
To prove that she is afraid of him they move her to another state – far away from where the American citizen lives – from the east coast to the west coast… and they claim that they do that for her protection.
They get people, friends of the immigrant woman to sign false affidavits describing imaginary violent incidents involving the American citizen, well knowing that no-one will ever be able to prove that those are false.
All the above is used as supporting evidence for the VAWA self-petition.
Are you at all aware of the degree of manipulation and corruption happening here? Do you see how appalling it is that a government funded organization (the VAWA shelter) defrauds other government bodies (USCIS, the police, the courts) and an entire support system that now, funded by the tax payer, provides a multitude of support services to the immigrant woman and her children based on the sole fact that she has been to a VAWA shelter???.. and as you know she got there in the first place by falsely accusing the American citizen.
Huh.. long as I’ve been reading this site and this is the first time I’ve read the “about” page.
I also tend to disagree with the Marxist angle. I’m somewhat aware of feminism’s origins in Marxist circles but, applying Occam’s razor, I think it more likely that the base motivations for what made feminist dogma attractive for many women also made communism appealing.
While it may appear that since I disagree with the premise of a communist conspiracy I also disagree with the argument you’ve built upon it, but I actually couldn’t agree more.
Feminism is supported by the State, and not out of altruistic or populist sentiments. The State wants power. This is a universal truth. No organization or person in power does not seek to extend their reach.
Communism is just an ideology. The powers that be use ideologies to control the people and consolidate power. Communism’s power is on the wane. Communist leaders, like all power mad world leaders, recognized the value of destroying the family to seizing complete control of the people and tried to do so (hence the poster,) but communism lacked the power to destroy the family.
Certainly if feminism were a Marxist strategy it would be brilliant social engineering, but I can’t attribute such original thought or evil genius to Marxists generally, though they undoubtedly played some marginal role. The formation of feminism is something I admit to not fully understanding but the zeitgeist of the movement and its primary raison d’être I feel certain was nothing more complicated or profound than the simple hatred of men.
Feminism is but another ideology, though a far more effective and dangerous one. Feminism has proven it has the power to destroy the family and has become a favored tool of the State.
I also disagree that it is too late to defeat feminism. I am new to the MRM and I recognize that such makes me particularly vulnerable to unfounded optimism and naiveté, but you should also recognize that your long experience makes you susceptible to cynicism.
The world is smaller than it’s ever been. We are so highly connected that, given the grossly fallacious basis that feminism is founded upon, it’s inevitable that feminists in their ever-expanding power grab will go to far, and opposition to it will reach a critical mass and spread like wildfire. All it takes is a tear in the veil of lies for each person to get a stray thread they can follow to dismantle the whole thing. I envision that feminism’s fall will be fast and brutal. Men as an identity group is a sleeping giant and a Pandora’s box.
If feminism fails the powers that be will seek a new ideology to subjugate and control the masses.
Actually the next ideology is not so new. If I may, I think I already know the next chapter in this story.
If you look with the right eyes you will see that this ideology has already laid the groundwork to go farther than feminism ever could.
Where feminism fails the State will continue to build their totalitarian control in the name of the “best interest of the child.”
Take a look at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the small body in Geneva who can make binding interpretations of it.
@ Carlos
Actually I agree with everything you have said here. I didn’t mean to imply that western gender feminism was a direct product of communist conspiracy, but that ideologically the two are nearly inseparable.
Marx would be smiling.
Likewise, Marx would no doubt be pleased with the general destruction of parental rights. Feminists undermined parental authority by attacking fathers. Women will soon find that in undermining fathers and families feminists have undermined parents altogether. The direction of family law is not just to replace the husband with the State but to, eventually, replace both parents with the State — as, in the words of Hillary Clinton, “it takes a village to raise a child.” As a woman can now separate father and children with no more than an unfounded accusation so can a bureaucrat, immune from liability, separate BOTH parents from their children based on supposition, smoke and mirrors.
Marx advocated central planning by “experts” for the economy and, in doing so, eliminated the autonomous sources of power that the market provides as, among other things, a check against the power of the State.
Family law is increasingly advocating central planning by “experts” on children.
As “domestic violence” and “rape” have been the wedge issues to incentivize and rationalize the separation of husband and wife, so “child abuse” and children’s rights will be the wedge to separate parent and child.
Unlike fallacious feminist logic, arguing the best interest of the child can make for a very compelling case. Protecting children is deeply programmed in both sexes; socially, culturally and biologically. But, the best interest of the child couldn’t be more subjective, and once something, anything, is effectively defined as a children’s rights issue it becomes a sacred cow in a way that even rape can never achieve.
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